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edifício mártires da liberdade

2003 | Porto

Located on Rua Mártires da Liberdade, in the city of Porto, the building consists of two houses and shops. The project was developed in two different land lots. One, a quite deep, irregular shape without construction, which houses the new projected body and another, smaller and more regular, occupied by a construction and a small lateral passageway.


The reconstruction and expansion adopted distinct typological and formal solutions, which allowed the coexistence of two different and autonomous construction moments. In fact, the possibility of connecting the two bodies at a higher level allows the suspension of the new body, freeing the ground floor for a pedestrian access corridor to the houses, which develops alongside another one for car circulation and access to parking and garden.


This image, in contrast to the reconstructed building, establishes with it a dialogue in which differences are assumed and exalted, whose reflection is found not only in the different languages, types of openings or coating materials, but also in the functional distribution of spaces.




Arq. Francisco Soares Dias

Honorable Mention in PRÉMIO JOÃO ALMADA 2004, 10th edition, "Recuperação do Património Arquitectónico da Cidade do Porto" | Assigned by Câmara Municipal do Porto

Joaquim Pinheiro | Paulo Freitas

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